
Showing posts from February, 2022

Intimacy in Marriage

There have been subjects in my class that I have felt very passionate about and this week was another one. We talked about intimacy in marriage-the differences between men and women when it comes to sex, challenges that couple faces, and then the opportunities that couples have when they work together to overcome those challenges. One thing that I loved about class this week was seeing that the few married people in the class all agree and nod their head in agreement when we discussed challenges or differences between men and women. It showed me that these differences and challenges were real and something that lots of couples faced.  When I got married I faced these challenges and didn't know about what was "normal" as a woman to feel and want in intimacy. I felt like there was something wrong with me and that I was broken since sex was not something I wanted to do and didn't get enjoyment from it. It was a strain on my relationship with my husband. Don't worry,...

Growing Closer to Your Spouse

I was kind of annoyed and a little irritated with a comment made during class on Thursday in response to a comment I had made. Quick back story about myself. My parents divorced when I was 10 turning 11 after my father had an affair. Anyways, I said that during the early years of my marriage I was super afraid to voice my opinions or disagree with my husband in fear that we would argue, which would then lead to us getting divorced. A girl, I’m assuming who isn’t married, responded by saying something along the lines of you should marry someone that you feel comfortable talking to and who you trust. It was probably good that I was attending class via Zoom or else I would have probably said something out of anger. I just want to make clear that it’s OKAY to disagree with your spouse and TOTALLY normal. It does not mean that your marriage is on the rocks. Okay, back to the task at hand. When a couple decides to be exclusive and then get engage, boundaries should be made. One of those boun...

RAM: A Model to Follow for a Healthy Relationship

     Hello Everyone! In class this week we started off talking about dating vs hanging out. I could do a whole other post on that. But to sum it up, more and more it is becoming our culture for young single adults to want to hang out instead of going on an actual date. Now, when I saw date, I mean the 3 "P's"-planned, paid, and paired off.       I asked a couple of my single college friends what their experience has been with dating. One girl said that lots of guys just want to watch a movie or doing something with his friends-anything that doesn't allow them to be by themselves. It was interesting to hear that lots of the girls in my class confirmed that's what happens with them as well. The guys piped up to defend themselves by saying they didn't want to be rejected or feel uncomfortable. I get that. No one wants to be rejected or be put in a situation that makes them feel uncomfortable or awkward. I think that's just part of dating though. We have t...

Same-Sex Attraction

       Hello Readers! Did that picture get you intrigued? I sure was confused when I saw it while doing some research. This is a top from London's Fashion Week this year. Apparently, there were lots of outfits that were feminine for the male models. I linked the post it this article at the bottom of this post. I feel like it goes perfectly with this week's topic. On Tuesday, we first talked about if there is a difference between men and women, besides the obvious, and what those differences are in their characteristics and behaviors. Now, all of these are from typical men and women. There is always the exception, and of course, the idea of Nature vs Nurture plays a part. I want to briefly list this differences because I think it will help transition into what I really want to focus on in this post.               Typical Female                  ...