A Child's Needs: Active Parenting
The time has come for my last post and it's a bittersweet feeling. I've really loved doing these posts and sharing what I've learned. There has been so many great topics and information. I hope you've learned something useful and/or helpful. For my last post I'll be talking about parenting and the needs of children. Michael Popkin is a famous family therapist in Atlanta. He created a company called the Active Parenting Publishers where he provided tools to help parents teach their children how to become responsible and contented adults. He says that there are needs that children have that are beyond the basic necessities of life, like education, water, food, and shelter. He proposed that they also needed: 1) Contact/Belonging 2) Power 3) Protection 4) Withdrawing and 5) Challenge. Contact/Belonging A child needs physical contact, obviously appropriate contact. My husband and I took a mindfulness parenting class about 3.5 years ago and this was a topic that they ta...