Where Are All The Babies?
Hello! First post to start off this blog and I’m so excited. This week in class was a real eye opener for me. We talked about the fact that families are getting smaller, that birth rates all around the world are declining, and then discussed why these things are happening. To prepare for the class we had to watch these movies about the declining birth rates and the effects of it. By the end, I was depressed about how the world was going to look in a few decades. To give you a short summary, there isn’t going to be enough people to fill jobs in the work field, so people are going to have to work harder and longer to just make enough to get by. It’s bleak y’all. I
Elon Musk has recently been open about his concern on this topic. He said, “I think one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birth rate and the rapidly declining birthrate.” He went on to say, “…so many people, including smart people, think that there are too many people in the world and think that the population is growing out of control. It’s completely the opposite. Please look at the numbers-if people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble, mark my words.”
He’s right, if you look at the numbers, they back up what he’s saying. Numbers don’t lie. For a country or the world to naturally replace itself it needs to have a birthrate of at least 2.1. The United States’ birthrate is well below that rate at 1.6, with China at 1.3, Brazil at 1.8, Russia at 1.6), Japan at 1.3, Indonesia at 2.0, and Bangladesh at 1.7. China announced at the end of May 2021 that parents in China are now allowed to have up to three children. This follows their last announcement five years previous that changed the law that parents were able to have two children. China is facing a fertility collapse. Based on their latest census, they are losing 400,000 people every year. If this continues, by the year 2100, China will lose about half of its total population. That might sound like forever away, but if you do the math, it’s only in 78 years! In 78 years, China will lose over half of its total population! There are 23 other countries who can expect their population to be cut in half by 2100.
Why are birthrates going down? There are a lot of reasons, but they all go back to the same thing-family isn’t as important in the world today. Ideas on what family is and why it’s important and needed is getting lost and forgotten about. Instead, our goals and sights are set on material success, like having an excellent career, independence, and wealth. People are delaying getting married so they can go after their careers or other dreams. Chasing dreams isn’t a bad thing, but it can be when other greater opportunities are being missed out on. To be honest, I had a really hard time embracing motherhood after I had my third child. I thought that I would be happier if I went back to school, got my education, and fulfilled my dream of becoming a scientist, wearing a white lab coat, doing research, and finding the next big discovery. It was a battle a lot of days to be okay with being a stay-at-home mom. I had to pray a lot to not feel trapped and like I was slowly losing who I was. It has taken me almost two years after having our fourth child to see that me becoming a scientist wouldn’t make me happier. I now know that I am where I need to be, in our home raising our children. There will be a time where I can work towards my dream of finding the next big discovery, but right now my children need me at home. I don’t want any working moms to feel bad that they aren’t at home because I know that there are a lot of moms who aren’t able to be at home for various reasons, and that’s OKAY! I want all moms, working moms and stay-at-home moms, to feel supported in their choice. Go to God and pray for what He wants you to do. I have complete faith that He is going to tell you where the most important place is. I think the hardest part is listening to what that answer is and following it. I DO know that if you do listen and follow, He will make it happen and will make it so you fill at peace and completely happy.
That’s the beautiful thing about God. He has our best interest at heart and when we follow His plan, He makes everything work out so we can have maximum joy. And isn’t that what we are all wanting the most- true, deep, lasting JOY?
Below are the links for the movies I watched about the global declining birthrates if you want to watch them.
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I believe another reason for this, so many people are having a hard time already paying for things. Daily living isn't cheap like it used to be. So adding kids to the mix is even harder. cuts get made and unfortunately, since kids are expensive they cut, along with pets. Yes you can say well both parents can work and have daycare be an option, but at at the end of the day, your just working to pay that bill.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I think lots of people share this concern with you. Cost of living is high and that probably won’t change. China is finding that even though the government is offering cash incentives and child care for couples to have more children it’s not working because they still can’t afford it since the cost of living is crazy high. I LOVE that you noticed that even if the mother gets a job and the children go to childcare the mom’s paycheck is really just paying for that childcare. If people would look at the numbers they would see that the mom’s paycheck really isn’t helping the family financially as much as they thought. Childcare is so expensive, especially if you want a good one, which I know people do. I fully believe that it is most beneficial for the mom (or dad) to be at home to help raise their children. There are definitely situations where that is just not possible, but it such be a goal. I have complete faith that if a family wants the mom (or dad) to stay at home with the children while the other parent goes to work, God is going to make it happen. I know that with every fiber of my body. It might be a little tricky or hard but He’s going to make it happen and bless you greatly for it.
DeleteAs I read this I was thinking about life and how it is right now and how and we have been told that the youth and even adults if I might add, will want to take responsibility. Children are a big responsibility. Another thing that I have struggled with that is mental illness. Having kids and mental illness isn't easy especially with a child that has ADHD behaviors and disabilities and three boys. I have struggled with this my whole life. I wouldn't take meds because I thought I could do it on my own even having two toddlers at the time and after we had our third I knew I couldn't do it on my own. Mental illness can stop others from having children and I can totally see why. One thing that I have learned this week is God created the world and has made it possible for us to "multiple and replenish the earth". He has given trials but through him we can achieve anything, even having with those trials. I may not be easy but it would be worth it. I am grateful for my children. I love them lots. I have learned a lot from I wouldn't have learned any where else. They bring me joy and happiness.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment because I thinks lots of people can relate to it. Mental illness is an ever-increasing disease in the world today. Mental illness isn’t a trial that I’ve been given, but I have had times when I’ve experienced depression and anxiety that was almost crippling. During those times it was so hard to take care of my children and other responsibilities that I had. I know of a handful of families who have at least one child with either ADHD, Autism, Down syndrome, or other special needs, and it’s HARD! Those sweet special spirits take so much more time, energy, attention, care, and resources. It can be exhausting and overwhelming. Every couple and every family are different and that’s why it’s so important to pray to God to find out what He needs you to do. Just like you said, God is going to provide a way for us to do what He’s asked. And you are completely right that we wouldn’t be able to learn and grow as much if we didn’t have our own families. They provide a way for us to learn how to be like our Heavenly parents.